Monday, September 26, 2011

Hiding UI elements in RCP

External plug-ins and features give you a tremendous power to enrich your RCP applications. Somtimes you might wish to use an external feature without getting all the visual stuff like menus or toolbar items. Hiding them is quite a tricky task. There exist several ways to do this, none of them seems either well documented nor sophisticated.

You can find some documentation on the web like a post from Miles Billsman or a tutorial by Lars Vogel. I am going to sum up things here.

Source code for this tutorial is available on github as a single zip archive, as a Team Project Set or you can browse the files online.

Preparations: A default eclipse IDE RCP

Start by creating a new Plug-in project. This will be no RCP application, nor will it contribute to UI. Just a plain Plug-in. On the overview tab hit Launch an Eclipse application. This will bring up a new Eclipse instance including your Plug-in. Nothing special so far. Now lets start hiding UI elements.

Approach 1: Activities

Activities allow to hide UI elements once you know their ID - or at least parts of it. Go to the Extensions tab of your plugin.xml and add a new extension for org.eclipse.ui.activities. Within that extension create a new activity and provide some unique id.

Create a new activityPatternBinding under activities. Refer to your activity ID.
Now for the tricky part: we need to find the ID of an element we want to hide. Then we can pass this ID to pattern to hide the element.

Finding IDs is greatly described in Miles Billsman post, so I will focus on some examples.

Hiding the Run External Tools Toolbar Item

The Plug-in Menu Spy is a great tool to find out more about menu/toolbar entries. Read more about the Plug-in Spy in Lars Vogels tutorial. So hit Alt-Shift-F2 in your running application and click on the toolbar button you want to examine.

The active action definition identifier is what we are looking for. Copy that ID and paste it to your activityPatternBinding pattern. Pattern could be a regular expression and therefore capture a whole bunch of UI elements at once. We want exact matching, so set isEqualityPattern to true.

Start your application and the toolbar button is gone.

Hiding the Next Annotation Toolbar Item

Unfortunately not all UI elements can be hidden by that ID. For example this does not work for the Next Annotation toolbar item. To hide this element we need to track down its definition within the defining Plug-in.

Therefore open 2 views: Plug-in Registry and Plug-ins. By hovering over the toolbar item we can see a text containing "Next Annotation". Lets use these words in Plug-in Registry to filter for that element.

We can see that this element is provided by the org.eclipse.ui.editors Plug-in. Switch to the Plug-ins view, locate org.eclipse.ui.editors and double click to open its plugin.xml. On the Extensions tab we need to look for the contribution definition. It should be either under org.eclipse.ui.commands or under org.eclipse.ui.actionSets. Once located it is easy to find the needed contribution ID for our activityPatternBinding pattern.

As this element is provided by an action we need to prepend the pattern with the defining Plug-in ID. So the full pattern to apply is:


Approach 2: Perspective Extensions

Some elements simply cannot be hidden with activities. Try the pattern ".*" which should hide all elements. Some of them still remain. With perspective extensions we will hide the Run menu and the Run Eclipse Application toolbar item.

Create a new org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions extension. Under targetID provide the perspective ID for which the element should be hidden. You can use "*" to match all perspectives. Create a new hiddenMenuItem and add use the ID of the run menu This hides the Run menu completely.

To hide the toolbar entry for Run Eclipse Application use a hiddenToolBarItem and an ID of org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.actions.RunDropDownAction.

The IDs were found using the Plug-in Registry and by parsing plugin.xml files.

Additional Notes

Generally you should have some idea where to look for a contribution definition. This is the most tricky part and there seems to be no easy way for that.

Keep in mind that we just hid those items. They are still available by using keyboard shortcuts or might be accessed indirectly (eg. the Plug-in Manifest Editor still can Launch an Eclipse application).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Buckminster qualifier replacement

Buckminster does not seem to be very active anymore. To build Eclipse products, update sites and similar have a look at my tycho tutorials. My Buckminster tutorials are no longer maintained and remein here as reference only.

When your Plug-ins and features use a .qualifier in the version string, Buckminster can replace that with dedicated data. The data to be used can be modified in the .properties file passed to buckminster actions.

To use version information:
... will use last revision. Eg creates: com.example.myplugin_1.0.0.r1234 for revision 1234.

To use build date:
... uses a timestamp with some constant text ('I', '-'). Eg creates com.example.myplugin_1.0.0.I20110920-1408

Buckminster RCP build with independent features

Buckminster does not seem to be very active anymore. To build Eclipse products, update sites and similar have a look at my tycho tutorials. My Buckminster tutorials are no longer maintained and remein here as reference only.

When building an RCP application all features are typically part of the product. For example the product we built in my previous post contains the Eclipse Platform and a custom feature.

Now when it comes to updates P2 only regards its root nodes. So when you want to update your custom feature only you will soon run into problems. Andrew Niefer wrote a nice blog entry on this topic.

What we want to do is to install a core product only and afterwards install independent features that are not referenced from the base product. This way all these features can be updated independently.


We first will create a P2 update site containing everything our final installation might need. The product, RCP stuff like platform launchers and optional features. Afterwards we will use this update site to assemble independent features to our final RCP application.

Our final setup will include 6 Plug-ins/Features, 2 Plug-ins containing code, 2 Features each containing one of the Plug-ins and 2 assembly projects. You can see their dependencies on the diagram below:

 We will start by using the code from our previous examples for publishing an update site and for an RCP build as a basis.

Step 1: Updating the update site

The update site shall include code needed for the RCP Feature, so we need to add it to the Included Features. Open com.example.update.p2/features.xml and add com.example.rcp.feature to the list of Included Features.

This will trigger a build for the RCP core feature when the update site is built.

Step 2: Adapting target platform

If you only build for your development platform you can skip this step.

We need to add the Delta Pack to our target platform we defined for the RCP build. Download the delta pack from Eclipse. Go to, switch to the 3.x downloads. Afterwards select your release from Latest Releases, find and download the Delta Pack. This package contains platform specific executables so we can build eg a linux RCP on windows.
 Go to Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform. Edit your custom Target Definition and add the location of the eclipse folder located inside the downloaded zip.

You can find a more detailed example on the Target Platform by Ralf Ebert.

Step 3: RCP Build Project

Our com.example.rcp.releng project needs some updates. First we update the ant file build/createProduct.ant.
     <pathconvert property="equinox.launcher.jar">
       <first count="1">
           <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}/plugins" includes="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/>
           <reverse xmlns="">
    <target name="create.product">
        <property name="installableIUs" value="${iu},${features}" />        
        <property name="destination" location="${sp:destination}"/>
        <delete dir="${destination}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${destination}"/>
        <makeurl property="repository" file="${sp:updateSite}"/>
        <echo message="============================== RCP Settings =============================="/>
        <echo message="Repository:  ${repository}"/>
        <echo message="Destination: ${destination}"/>
        <echo message="Product:     ${iu}"/>
        <echo message="Features:    ${features}"/>
        <echo message="IUs:         ${installableIUs}"/>
        <echo message="target:      ${target.os}.${}.${target.arch}"/>
        <echo message="============================== Building RCP =============================="/>
        <java jar="${equinox.launcher.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true" >
            <arg value="-application"/>
            <arg value="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director"/>
            <arg value="-repository"/>
            <arg value="${repository}"/>
            <arg value="-destination"/>
            <arg value="${destination}"/>
            <arg value="-profile"/>
            <arg value="${product.profile}"/>
            <arg value="-profileProperties" />
            <arg value="org.eclipse.update.install.features=true" />
            <arg value="-installIU"/>
            <arg value="${installableIUs}"/>
            <arg value="-p2.os" />
            <arg value="${target.os}" />
            <arg value="" />
            <arg value="${}" />
            <arg value="-p2.arch" />
            <arg value="${target.arch}" />
            <arg value="-consoleLog"/>
            <arg value="-roaming"/>
The director used for the build process now gets a list of installable units (IUs). This list includes our product followed by all independent features we wish to install.

Now change buckminster.cspex to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cspecExtension xmlns:com=""

        <dependency name="com.example.update.p2" componentType="eclipse.feature" />
        <public name="create.product" actor="ant">
                <property key="buildFile" value="build/createProduct.ant" />
                <property key="targets" value="create.product" />
                <property key="profile" value="${product.profile}" />
                <property key="iu" value="${}" />
                <property key="features" value="${product.features}" />
            <prerequisites alias="updateSite">
                <attribute name="site.p2.publish" component="com.example.update.p2" />
            <products alias="destination" base="${product.destination}">
                <path path="${}.${}.${target.os}.${target.arch}/" />

        <public name="" actor="ant">
                <property key="buildFileId" value="buckminster.pdetasks" />
                <property key="targets" value="" />
            <prerequisites alias="action.requirements">
                <attribute name="create.product" />
            <products alias="action.output" base="${product.destination}">
                <path path="${}.${}.${target.os}.${target.arch}.zip" />
This will give us 2 new actions: 
  • create.product to build our RCP applicaton
  • which will build and zip our application.

Finally change to
# Where all the output should go

# Where the temp files should go

# How .qualifier in versions should be replaced

# update site settings

# rcp settings

# leave empty when no features are needed, but do NOT comment this out
# multiple features can be defined as a comma separated list

product.destination=C:/Build/Sample RCP

This property file is used for building the update site and the product. Therefore we need some update site properties too.
    will be used for the product build folder and the zip file. It will not be used anywhere else.
  • product.features
    a comma separated list of all features that should be installed independently from the base product. So if your base product already includes FeatureA, do not add it here! The property may be left empty. In this case you will get the same results as from Buckminster RPC build.
  • product.profile
    name of the P2 profile to be created. This will be part of your final RPC application
  • target.X
    Needs to be set to a defined target platform. We cannot use * here anymore as we need to build an RCP dedicated to a specific platform.

    Building for a dedicated platform also influences the content of our update site. All Plug-ins/Features built using this properties file will be built for the defined target only. This might be of interest when you use code that is platform dependent. You still can build your update site only to keep it platform independent.

Step 4: Build the product

When you are done right click on your com.example.rcp.releng project and select Buckminster -> Invoke Action... 

Select create.product and enter the path to your file. After hitting OK you can find your RCP product in C:\Build\Sample RCP.

Our product consists of the consists of the core product My RCP Example which includes the Platform and a custom made Feature My Base Features. Additionally it contains another feature Myfeature that is independent of the core product. Hence we can update Myfeature without updating My RCP Example.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Buckminster RCP Build

Buckminster does not seem to be very active anymore. To build Eclipse products, update sites and similar have a look at my tycho tutorials. My Buckminster tutorials are no longer maintained and remein here as reference only.

In my previous post we were pubishing an update site via Buckminster. Now we are going to build our RCP product.There is a nice tutorial from Ralf Ebert on this topic and this post makes heavy use of it.

Source code for this tutorial is available on googlecode as a single zip archive, as a Team Project Set or you can checkout the SVN projects directly.

Step 1: Create target definition

Open the global preferences and navigate to Plug-in Development -> Target Platform. Create a new target with Add... and select Nothing: Start with an empty target definition. Add... components from a Software Site. Add the Indigo update site ( Deselect Group by Category and Include required software. Check Include all environments and reactivate Include required software. Afterwards add
  • Eclipse Platform Launchers
  • Eclipse Platform SDK (not necessarily needed for you RCP)
  • Eclipse RCP SDK

Click Finish. You should end up with a target definition like this:

Name your target accordingly. After creation make sure your target is activated.

Step 2: Create product

Create a new Plug-in project called com.example.rcp.core. We do not want an Activator, contributions to the UI or create an RCP. So deactivate all of them.
Within the Plug-in create a new Product Configuration named example.product. Now we need to define our product in detail. Set the Name to "My RCP Example", then click on New... to create a Product Definition.
Set the Product ID to myproduct and the Application to org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench.

By creating the Product Definition a plugin.xml file is created. Add it to your file.

Create a new Feature Project called com.example.rcp.feature and set the Feature Name to My Base Features. Add org.eclipse.platform to the included features. Add com.example.rcp.core to the Plug-ins.

Now back to our product: select the product configuration is based on features. On the Dependencies tab add
  • org.eclipse.platform
  • com.example.rcp.feature
Give it a try by launching your product from the overview tab.

Step 3: Create build environment

We are creating a separate project for release engineering and for opur build files. So create a new Feature Project called com.example.rcp.releng. Add com.example.rcp.feature to the Included Features.

Create a new file and add following content:
# Where all the output should go
buckminster.output.root=${user.home}/Build/Example RCP

# Where the temp files should go

# How .qualifier in versions should be replaced

# Windows 32

# Linux
The needs to match with the Product identifier from the Product Definition (highlighted red in the screenshot above).

Now we need a new action for buckminster. We create one by adding a file buckminster.cspex with following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cspecExtension xmlns:com=""
        <public name="create.product" actor="ant">
                <property key="buildFile" value="build/createProduct.ant" />
                <property key="targets" value="create.product" />
                <property key="profile" value="${product.profile}" />
                <property key="iu" value="${}" />
            <prerequisites alias="repository">
                <attribute name="site.p2" />
            <products alias="destination" base="${buckminster.output}">
                <path path="${}.${target.os}.${target.arch}/" />
This action refers to an ant file build/createProduct.ant which we need to create now.
     <pathconvert property="equinox.launcher.jar">
       <first count="1">
           <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}/plugins" includes="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/>
           <reverse xmlns="">

    <target name="create.product">
        <property name="destination" location="${sp:destination}"/>
        <delete dir="${destination}"/>
        <makeurl property="repository" file="${sp:repository}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${destination}"/>
        <echo message="Repository:  ${repository}"/>
        <echo message="Destination: ${destination}"/>
        <echo message="IU:          ${iu}"/>
        <java jar="${equinox.launcher.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true" >
            <arg value="-application"/>
            <arg value="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director"/>
            <arg value="-repository"/>
            <arg value="${repository}"/>
            <arg value="-destination"/>
            <arg value="${destination}"/>
            <arg value="-profile"/>
            <arg value="${profile}"/>
            <arg value="-profileProperties" />
            <arg value="org.eclipse.update.install.features=true" />
            <arg value="-installIU"/>
            <arg value="${iu}"/>
            <arg value="-p2.os" />
            <arg value="${target.os}" />
            <arg value="" />
            <arg value="${}" />
            <arg value="-p2.arch" />
            <arg value="${target.arch}" />
            <arg value="-consoleLog"/>
            <arg value="-roaming"/>
Step 4: Executing the build job

Right click on your com.example.rcp.releng project and select Buckminster -> Invoke Action... Select create.product and add the location of your file. Hit OK and wait for the build to finish.

You can find your final product under

${user.home}/Build/Example RCP/com.example.rcp.releng_1.0.0-eclipse.feature/win32.win32.x86
The Installation Details list our product with its sub components as we declared them in our Product Configuration.

Details: How things work together

When the build process is started, buckminster first creates a P2 update site containing all the features and plugins referenced from the com.example.rcp.releng feature. This will create a repository for our RCP installation afterwards. If our RCP needs additional stuff, we need to take care that we add these dependencies to our releng feature.

Once the update site is done, buckminster calls the director app - a special eclipse application used for headless installs of installable units (IUs, like products or features) and installs the given product to a dedicated location. Therefore it uses the pre-built update site as install repository.

The buckminster create.product.action collects some parameters from the properties file, builds the P2 update site and then triggers the ant file which actually handles the install process.

Adapt to your own needs

Typically you would create your own product with its own dependencies. Once you have a runnable product, create a releng Feature Project like in step 3. Change the in the file and add your product dependencies to the Included Features of your releng Feature Project.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Publishing a Buckminster Update Site

Buckminster does not seem to be very active anymore. To build Eclipse products, update sites and similar have a look at my tycho tutorials. My Buckminster tutorials are no longer maintained and remein here as reference only.

Building a p2 update site with Buckminster is fairly easy. Following the tutorial "Building a p2 Update Site" from BuckyBook will give you a working update site in minutes. What I was missing was some way to publish the resulting p2 site automatically. Fortunately Buckminster actions can easily be extended. What we want to do is create a new ant task that copies over the p2 site to a user defined location.

Source code for this tutorial is available on googlecode as a single zip archive, as a Team Project Set or you can checkout the SVN projects directly.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before we can extend our build process we need to create an update site according to the Buckminster tutorial.

Plug-in Project

Create a new Plug-in Project named com.example.myplugin. On the 2nd page enable This plug-in will make contributions to the UI. On the 3rd page select the template Plug-in with a view. Leave everything else unchanged.

Feature Project

Create a new Feature Project named com.example.myfeature. Add the plug-in com.example.myplugin to the feature.

Update Site Feature

Buckminster needs a unique Feature Project for building its update site. So create a new Feature Project named com.example.update.p2. Add com.example.myfeature to the included features.

Create a new file called with following content:
# Where all the output should go
buckminster.output.root=${user.home}/Build/Example P2

# Where the temp files should go

# How .qualifier in versions should be replaced


Creating categories

A nice update site groups its features in categories. So lets create a new Category Definition in com.example.update.p2. The editor is rather straight forward. Create categories with a unique ID and a display Name. Afterwards add your com.example.myfeature feature to the category.

Whenever your feature version number changes, you need to re-add your feature again.
Now right click on your com.example.update.p2 Feature Project and select Buckminster -> Invoke Action...

Select the site.p2 action and enter your properties file location. After hitting OK your update site will be built. Following this example it will be located at

${user.home}/Example P2/com.example.update.p2_1.0.0-eclipse.feature/site.p2

Step 2: Generating a publish action

To create a publish action we need to create an ant file doing the work and a specification telling buckminster what to do. Lets start by declaring the destination for the publish action.

Open and add following line


This will be our target destination. Now create a new file buckminster.cspex in your com.example.update.p2 Feature Project with following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cspecExtension xmlns:com=""
        <public name="site.p2.publish" actor="ant">
                <property key="buildFile" value="build/publishUpdateSite.ant" />
                <property key="targets" value="publish.p2" />
                <property key="source" value="${buckminster.output}/site.p2/" />
                <property key="destination" value="${updatesite.destination}" />
            <prerequisites alias="repository">
                <attribute name="site.p2" />
            <products base="${updatesite.destination}" upToDatePolicy="ACTOR"/>
Line 5 creates an action called site.p2.publish and delares it an ant task.
Line 7 defines the and build file, line 8 the ant target
Line 11,12 define source and destination properties for the ant task
Line 15 defines the buckminster site.p2 action as a prerequisite. This means that first site.p2 is executed, afterwards our ant task is called.

Finally we need to add our ant task. Create a file build/publishUpdateSite.ant and add following lines:

    <target name="publish.p2">
        <echo message="Source:      ${source}"/>
        <echo message="Destination: ${destination}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${destination}"/>
        <copy todir="${destination}" preservelastmodified="true">
            <fileset dir="${source}"/>
This will create the destination folder if not present and copy the p2 site content to that location.

Step 3: Executing the publish action

Save all files, right click on your com.example.update.p2 Feature Project and select Buckminster -> Invoke Action...
Use site.p2.publish action. Take care that the property file location is still correct. Push OK to publish your update site. You can find your site at C:\Build\UpdateSite

The ant task is rather simple and can easily be extended to eg. use WebDav to upload the content to a webserver or to store the update site to SVN, ...

Alternative: Alter site.p2 action directly

If publishing is just a question of copying files we can do this without our custom action and ant task. Instead we can directly modify the target path of the site.p2 action. Therefore set your buckminster.cspex content to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cspecExtension xmlns:com=""

        <public name="site.p2">
            <products base="${updatesite.destination}/" upToDatePolicy="ACTOR"/>

Monday, September 5, 2011

JNI made easy

Using JNI can sometimes be tricky. Getting all the settings right can be a nightmare when done for the first time.
In this tutorial I will use Eclipse with CDT (using MinGW/gcc) to create a simple hello world example. Therefore we will create a Java program, that calls native code from a shared library. Settings for linux and windows differ in some details, so these differences will be explicitely marked.

Source code for this tutorial is available on github as a single zip archive, as a Team Project Set or you can browse the files online.

Step 1: Creating a Java Project

First create a new Java Project called "com.codeandme.jni". Create a class "com.codeandme.jni.JNITest" with following content:
package com.codeandme.jni;

public class JNITest {

     static {
         // load library
         if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows"))
             // windows

             // linux

     public static void main(final String[] args) {
         new JNITest().hello("world");

     // native method signature
     public native void hello(String name);
Line 9/13 will trigger loading of the shared library.
Line 21 declares an external method which is implemented in the native library.

Create a new folder called resources under your project root. This will be the location for our JNI library.
Step 2: Create C++ Project

Now we need to create the library code. Therefore create a new C++ Project called "JNI_Library". As Project Type select Shared Library/Empty Project. This will provide reasonable defaults for our build. Create a source folder src within that project.

The header file for the shared functions needs to follow a very specific coding. This is generated by javah, a helper program of your JDK. We will do this by using an external tool helper.
Use Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations... and create a new Program launcher:

Location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin\javah.exe
Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:/com.codeandme.jni/bin}
Arguments: -jni -d "${workspace_loc:/JNI_Library_windows/src}" com.codeandme.jni.JNITest

This launcher will create a header file within the src folder of our C++ Project. On linux you will have to change the Location to /usr/bin/javah. On the refresh tab you can enable refreshing of the target folder. Otherwise refresh manually after file creation.
Open the project properties of JNI_Library and go to C/C++ General/Paths and Symbols. Select [All Configurations] from the Configuration combo at the top of the dialog.
On the Includes tab add following folders from your JDK to the include paths for GNU C++.

  • include
  • include/win32
  • include
  • include/linux 

Now we can add our implementation in C++.
Create a new source file within src folder named com_codeandme_jni_JNITest.cpp. Add following content to the file
#include <iostream>

#include "com_codeandme_jni_JNITest.h"

using namespace std;

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_codeandme_jni_JNITest_hello
(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jstring data) {

     jboolean iscopy;
     const char *charData = env->GetStringUTFChars(data, &iscopy);
     cout << "Hello " << charData << endl;
     env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(data, charData);

Finally we need to adjust our build settings a bit. Open the project properties and go to C/C++ Build/Settings. Switch to the Tool Settings tab:

  • GCC C++ Compiler/Miscellaneous: enable Position independent code (-fPIC)
  • GCC C++ Linker/Shared Library Settings: enable Shared (-shared)
  • MinGW C++ Linker/Miscellaneous: add -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias
  • GCC C++ Compiler/Miscellaneous: enable Position independent code (-fPIC)
  • GCC C++ Linker/Shared Library Settings: enable Shared (-shared)
The build result needs to be copied over to our java project. We can automate this step with a simple copy command as a Post-Build step on the Build Steps tab:

  • xcopy "${BuildArtifactFilePrefix}${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${workspace_loc:/com.codeandme.jni/resources/}" /Y
  • cp "${BuildArtifactFilePrefix}${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${workspace_loc:/com.codeandme.jni/resources/}"

This will automatically copy our build product to the Java Project we created at step 1.

Save all settings and build your library. It should be copied over to your Java Project. Refresh your workspace (F5) to see the newly created file.

Step 3: Put it all together

We are almost done. As a final step we need to add the resource folder to the library path of our run target.

Launch your Java program to create a launch target for it. You will get an Exception, don't worry, we'll fix that immediately. Go to Run -> Run Configurations... and find your Java run target (typically named JNITest). On the Arguments tab add

to VM arguments.

Now launch your Java program and you should get a "Hello world" on your console view.

Further reading

It is also possible to have asynchronous callbacks from C to Java. An example how to do this is available on github.