Well, up to now. For EASE I wanted to reuse these tooltips to display API documentation in a treeviewer. The result looks quite satisfactory:
I built some API to add these tooltips to any kind of SWT controls. While it may not be perfect it seems rather simple to use for me.
final HoverManager hoverManager = new HoverManager(parent); hoverManager.addHover(fModulesComposite.getTreeViewer(), new IHoverContentProvider() { @Override public void populateToolbar(BrowserInformationControl control, ToolBarManager toolBarManager) { // nothing to do } @Override public String getContent(Object origin, Object detail) { return "<p>This is HTML content</p>"; } });To see these tooltips in action get a nightly build of EASE and open the Modules Explorer view.
Now I am wondering if there is any interest in making this API available for other eclipse projects.
When extracting the functionality I had to access some internal classes from org.eclipse.jface.text and JDT - mostly because of package private methods. Porting back these changes would be possible, still I am wondering if org.eclipse.jface.text would be the right place for it. Why should a generic view depend on jface.text just to get nice tooltip support?
So lets see if there is interest in adopting this feature and where to put it.